Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Kernel Panic During Oracle Cluster Testing on RHEL 8


Hey everyone,

I wanted to share some "exciting" issues I ran into while testing an Oracle cluster on RHEL 8—you know, just your everyday kernel panic to spice things up!

The Issue

While conducting tests, I decided to bring down a couple of network interfaces (enp43s1f8 and enp43s1f9) using nmcli. Little did I know that right after deactivating them, I would be treated to a lovely kernel panic, logged as follows:

Oct 8 16:52:24 serverA kernel: sysrq: SysRq : Trigger a crash Oct 8 16:52:24 serverA kernel: Kernel panic - not syncing: sysrq triggered crash

This surprise happened even with the iSCSI service (iscsi.service) disabled. Apparently, the system thought it was a great time to throw a party!

What I Found

  1. Dispatcher Scripts:

    • I found out that a script (04-iscsi) in /usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ was doing its own thing and triggering actions whenever the network state changed. It was like that overly enthusiastic colleague who jumps in during a meeting and derails the conversation!
  2. Fixing the Issue:

    • To bring back some sanity, I temporarily removed or renamed the 04-iscsi script. After that, I was able to bring down the interfaces without causing the system to have a meltdown. Who knew a little housekeeping could go such a long way?
  3. For Future Tests:

    • Always use nmcli to gracefully deactivate connections; it’s less dramatic than a kernel panic!
    • Review any service dependencies to make sure nothing throws a tantrum when you change network states.

This little adventure reminded me of the importance of understanding how network management scripts and services like iSCSI interact—especially when they seem to have a mind of their own. By being proactive and keeping a sense of humor, we can avoid these surprises in the future.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Resolving Oracle ASM Disk Configuration Issues After Node Reboots

Problem Summary:

Each time Node B is rebooted, two disks fail to automatically configure in Oracle ASM (Automatic Storage Management). These disks—ORA01_DSK2 and ORA01_DSK3—require manual intervention to be configured correctly after the system starts. This issue is evident from the output of the oracleasm scandisks command, where these disks are listed as valid but need to be instantiated manually.

Even though the disks are recognized as valid ASM disks, they are not automatically configured during the boot process, requiring the execution of oracleasm scandisks manually to bring them online.


Several potential causes could explain this issue:

  1. Service Dependency Misconfiguration: The Oracle ASM service (oracleasm.service) might be starting before the udev service, which manages device initialization, completes its work. This would result in some disks not being available when ASM performs its scan.
  2. Disk Initialization Timing: Some disks may take longer to be detected by the system, causing them to be unavailable when Oracle ASM performs its automatic scan.

Solution Applied:

To address the problem, the following changes were made to the oracleasm service configuration:

  1. Modifying the oracleasm Service: The configuration file for the Oracle ASM service (/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/oracleasm.service) was updated to ensure that Oracle ASM starts after the udev service has fully initialized all devices. The following line was added to the configuration:


    This ensures that the system’s disks are available by the time Oracle ASM performs its scan.

  2. Adding a Startup Timeout: A 120-second startup timeout was added using the TimeoutStartSec=120s directive. This allows Oracle ASM enough time to detect and configure all disks properly, even if disk initialization takes longer than usual. This prevents ASM from failing due to delayed disk recognition.


By modifying the Oracle ASM service to depend on udev and increasing the timeout for service startup, the issue of disks not being automatically configured after a reboot was resolved. This solution ensures that all ASM disks are properly recognized and configured during the boot process, eliminating the need for manual configuration.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Typosquatting a New Malicious Python Packages in PyPi

PyPI (Python Package Index) is the official repository for Python packages. It is used by developers and users worldwide to find and install Python packages. However, PyPI has been targeted by attackers who uploaded malicious packages to the repository.

Trojanized PyPI packages are Python packages that have been modified by attackers to include malicious code. These packages are usually uploaded with names similar to popular packages, so users might not notice the difference. When users download and install these packages, the malicious code gets executed on their systems, and attackers can use it to steal data or take control of the affected systems.

Cybersecurity researchers are warning of "imposter packages" mimicking popular libraries available on the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository.

The 41 malicious PyPI packages have been found to pose as typosquatted variants of legitimate modules such as HTTP, AIOHTTP, requests, urllib, and urllib3. The names of the packages are as follows:

aio5, aio6, htps1, httiop, httops, httplat, httpscolor, httpsing, httpslib, httpsos, httpsp, httpssp, httpssus, httpsus, httpxgetter, httpxmodifier, httpxrequester, httpxrequesterv2, httpxv2, httpxv3, libhttps, piphttps, pohttp, requestsd, requestse, requestst, ulrlib3, urelib3, urklib3, urlkib3, urllb, urllib33, urolib3, xhttpsp

Finally, as developers should frequently conduct security assessments of third-party libraries and other dependencies in their code.  as Valentić from reversinglabs say.

PyPI advised any users who think they've been compromised to contact security@pypi.org with details about the sender email address and URL of the malicious site to help administrators to respond to this issue.

Here is a simple python script, i deployed via ansible, i used pkg_resources.get_distribution() to check if some of thoose 41 packages are installed.

Friday, April 29, 2022

systemd-tmpfiles to manage temporary files and directories on CentOS/RHEL

A modern system requires a large amount of temporary files and directories. Some applications (and users) use the /tmp directory to store temporary data, while others use a more specific location for the task, such as daemon and user-specific volatile directories in /run. In this context, volatile means that the file system that stores these files only exists in memory. When the system restarts or loses power, all content in volatile storage will disappear.

To keep a system running smoothly, it's necessary for these directories and files to be created when they don't exist, as daemons and scripts may rely on them being there, and for old files to be deleted so they don't fill up disk space or provide incorrect information. CentOS/RHEL 7 and later versions include a new tool called systemd-tmpfiles, which provides a structured and configurable method for managing temporary files and directories. This service is run by a timer unit that queries the systemd's temporary daemon and runs it 15 minutes after the system startup and then every 24 hours from that moment.

The configuration files are located in different places and follow a hierarchical priority process, with the files having the following priority order.
1.   /etc/tmpfiles.d/*.conf
2.   /run/tmpfiles.d/*.conf
3.   /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/*.conf
The files in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/ are provided by relevant RPM packages and should not be edited.
The files under /run/tmpfiles.d/ are themselves volatile files, typically used by daemons to manage their own runtime temporary files.
The files in /etc/tmpfiles.d/ are intended for administrators to configure custom temporary locations and override default values provided by the vendor.
If a file in /run/tmpfiles.d/ has the same file name as a file in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/, then the file in /run/tmpfiles.d/ is used. If a file in /etc/tmpfiles.d/ has the same file name as a file in /run/tmpfiles.d/ or /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/, then the file in /etc/tmpfiles.d/ is used.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Systemd automatically unmount filesystem mounted

A curious thing in RHEL7 (it has kind of a cache in the systemd for mounted FS)

To recreate the problemto i ha´d to change the LV linked to the FS /opt/MyfslogSD and /opt /MyfsWalComprSD after the changes in my the fstab file i re-mount the FS, but checking the log i realise that the systemd tries to unmount the FS over and over again until hours later, when there are no processes running inside.

Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 systemd: Unit opt-MyfslogSD.mount is bound to inactive unit dev-vgdata-lvMyfslogSD.device. Stopping, too.
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 systemd: Unmounting /opt/MyfslogSD...
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 umount: (In some cases useful info about processes that use
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 umount: the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 systemd: opt-MyfslogSD.mount mount process exited, code=exited status=32
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 systemd: Failed unmounting /opt/MyfslogSD.
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 systemd: Unit opt-MyfslogSD.mount is bound to inactive unit dev-vgdata-lvMyfslogSD.device. Stopping, too.
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 systemd: Unmounting /opt/MyfslogSD...
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 umount: (In some cases useful info about processes that use
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 umount: the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 systemd: opt-MyfslogSD.mount mount process exited, code=exited status=32
Jul 2 14:54:17 Server1 systemd: Failed unmounting /opt/MyfslogSD.

[root@Server1 ~]# systemctl --all | grep opt-Postgres
opt-MyfsBackupSD.mount                        loaded    active   mounted   /opt/MyfsBackupSD
opt-MyfsDataSD.mount                          loaded    active   mounted   /opt/MyfsDataSD
opt-MyfsLogSD.mount                           loaded    active   mounted   /opt/MyfsLogSD
opt-MyfsScriptsSD.mount                       loaded    active   mounted   /opt/MyfsScriptsSD
opt-MyfsWalComprSD.mount                      loaded    inactive mounted   /opt/MyfsWalComprSD

opt-MyfslogSD.mount                           loaded    inactive mounted   /opt/MyfslogSD

After altering fstab one should either run systemctl daemon-reload (this makes systemd to reparse /etc/fstab and pick up the changes) or reboot.

[root@Server1 ~]# systemctl --all | grep opt-Postgres
opt-MyfsBackupSD.mount                        loaded    active   mounted   /opt/MyfsBackupSD
opt-MyfsDataSD.mount                          loaded    active   mounted   /opt/MyfsDataSD
opt-MyfsLogSD.mount                           loaded    active   mounted   /opt/MyfsLogSD
opt-MyfsScriptsSD.mount                       loaded    active   mounted   /opt/MyfsScriptsSD
opt-MyfsWalComprSD.mount                      loaded    active   mounted   /opt/MyfsWalComprSD

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Replacing a Boot Mirrored Disk in HP-UX 11.31 (11i v3)

Initialize boot information on the replacement disk.

Save the hardware paths to the disk.
MyHPUX01:(/root/home/root)(root)#ioscan -m lun /dev/disk/disk7
Class     I  Lun H/W Path  Driver  S/W State   H/W Type     Health  Description
disk      7  64000/0xfa00/0x1   esdisk  CLAIMED     DEVICE       online  HP      DG146BB976 
                      /dev/disk/disk7      /dev/disk/disk7_p3   /dev/rdisk/disk7_p2
                      /dev/disk/disk7_p1   /dev/rdisk/disk7     /dev/rdisk/disk7_p3
                      /dev/disk/disk7_p2   /dev/rdisk/disk7_p1

In My case, the disk to be replaced is at lunpath hardware path
LUN hardware path is 64000/0xfa00/0x1
lunpath hardware path is 0/4/1/0.0x5000c5000c7bc53d.0x0

disk is hot-swappable

Halt LVM access to the disk.

#pvchange -a N /dev/disk/disk7_p2

Determine the new LUN instance number for the replacement disk.
# ioscan -m lun

- Create a partition description file:
# vi /tmp/partitionfile
HPUX 100%

idisk -wf /tmp/partitionfile /dev/rdisk/disk-newdisk-

           -w   Enable write mode.  By default, idisk operates in read-only
                mode.  To create and write partition information to the disk
                you must specify the -w option.

- Create the new device files for the new partitions (disk28_p1,_p2_p3)
# insf -e Cdisk

#you should see the numbre of partition
# ioscan -m lun

Now assign the old instance number to the replacement disk.
# io_redirect_dsf -d /dev/disk/disk-old- -n /dev/disk/disk-new-

# ioscan -m lun /dev/disk/disk-new-

The LUN representation of the old disk with LUN hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x0 was
removed. The LUN representation of the new disk with LUN hardware path
64000/0xfa00/0x1c was reassigned from LUN instance disk-new- to LUN instance 14 and its device
special files were renamed as /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14.

#Use efi_fsinit(1M) to initialize the FAT filesystem on the EFI partition:

efi_fsinit -d /dev/rdisk/disk7_p1**

efi_fsinit -d /dev/rdisk/disk7_p3

mkboot -e -l /dev/rdisk/disk7
efi_ls -d /dev/rdisk/disk7_p1

(to check EFI)
lifls -l /dev/rdisk/disk7_p2

(to check LIF)
- Check the content of AUTO file on EFI partition:

# efi_cp -d /dev/rdisk/disk7_p1 -u /EFI/HPUX/AUTO /tmp/x
# cat /tmp/x
boot vmunix
NOTE: Specify the -lq option if prefer that your system boots up without
interruption in case of a disk failure:
on the original boot disk:
# mkboot -a "boot vmunix -lq" /dev/rdisk/disk7

Restore LVM configuration information to the new disk.

For example:

# vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg00 /dev/rdisk/disk7_p2

10. Restore LVM access to the disk.
If you did not reboot the system in Step 2, reattach the disk as follows:

# vgchange -a y /dev/vg00
# vgdisplay -v vg00
# vgdisplay -v vg00

Syncronize volume group data (only if sync does not start automatically):

# cd /tmp
# nohup vgsync /dev/vg00 &
(output see /tmp/nohup.out)

11. Initialize/check boot information on the disk.
- Check if content of LABEL file (i.e. root, boot, swap and dump device definition) has been
initialized (done by lvextend) on the mirror disk:

# lvlnboot -v

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Setting up a DNS server in Centos 7

The configuration of a DNS server in Linux Centos 7 is very simple. First of all, we will have to install the bind product, with the following command:

yum -y install bind bind-utils

Next, in the file /etc/named.conf, we define the service area of what we want to solve. In this case, I want to resolve the service namemain.webserver.local:

zone “webserver.local” IN {type master;file “forward.webserverlocal.db“;allow-update { none; };};zone “” IN {type master;file “reverse.webserverlocal.db“;allow-update { none; };};

In the file forward.webserverloca.db we define the IPs and the names of the service. That is, a service can point to several servers as can happen with google.com:

C:\Users\MyPC>nslookup www.google.comServer: resolver.hp.netAddress: answer:Name: www.google.comAddresses: 2607:f8b0:4000:815::200474.125.195.10574.125.195.14774.125.195.9974.125.195.10474.125.195.10674.125.195.103

let´s take a look to our file “forward”:

[root@Centos7 ~]# cat /var/named/forward.webserverlocal.db$TTL 86400@ IN SOA maindns.webserver.local. root.webserver.local. (2011071001 ;Serial3600 ;Refresh1800 ;Retry604800 ;Expire86400 ;Minimum TTL)@ IN NS maindns.webserver.local.@ IN NS secondarydns.webserever.local.@ IN A IN A IN A IN A

In the “reverse” file we define the response path:

[root@Centos7 ~]# cat /var/named/reverse.webserverlocal.db$TTL 86400@ IN SOA main.webserver.local. root.webserver.local. (2011071001 ;Serial3600 ;Refresh1800 ;Retry604800 ;Expire86400 ;Minimum TTL)@ IN NS masterdns.webserver.local.maindns IN A IN A IN PTR maindns.webeserver.local.102 IN PTR secondarydns.unixmen.local.

Once all the parameters have been defined, we restart the named service with the systemctl restart named command.

In our file /etc/resolv.conf, we have to point to the IP where the DNS service runs. In the case for this example, I have located everything on the same server:

[root@Centos7 ~]# cat /etc/resolv.confnameserver

Finally, we test the name resolution via DNS:

[root@Centos7 ~]# dig maindns.webserver.local; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-61.el7 <<>> maindns.webserver.local;; global options: +cmd;; Got answer:;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 33754;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 1;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION:; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096;; QUESTION SECTION:;maindns.webserver.local. IN A;; ANSWER SECTION:maindns.webserver.local. 86400 IN A;; AUTHORITY SECTION:webserver.local. 86400 IN NS secondarydns.webserever.local.webserver.local. 86400 IN NS maindns.webserver.local.;; Query time: 0 msec;; SERVER:;; WHEN: Mon Nov 12 13:27:25 CET 2018;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 120

Or like me, you are more used to the old nslookup:

[root@Centos7 ~]# nslookup maindns.webserver.localServer: maindns.webserver.localAddress:

I will also check the test WEB server that I have started on both servers:

[root@Centos7 ~]# curl -s http://maindns.webserver.local<html><body>Hola desde el Webserver 1</body></html>[root@Centos7 ~]# curl -s http://secondarydns.webserver.local<html><body>Hola desde el Webserver 2</body></html>

DNS configuration by round robin

Now we want that if the application of one server falls, the service continues to be given by the other WEB server. This configuration is called "high availability" by round robin of DNS.What I am going to do is configure the DNS so that the same name points to several different IPs. Each IP is raised on a different server (operating system), so if the "Webserver 1" drops, the service will continue to be given by the "Webserver 2".The name of the service I'm going to point to is called webservertest and I have a WEB server started on the server with IP and the other Webserver on server result is as follows:

[root@Centos7 named]# curl -s http://webservertest<html><body>Hola desde el Webserver 1</body></html>[root@Centos7 named]# systemctl stop httpd[root@Centos7 named]# curl -s http://webservertest<html><body>Hola desde el Webserver 2</body></html>

As we can see, although for the Apache server with IP, the URL continues to service through Apache with IP
To achieve this, I have configured new entries in the DNS. Let's see them:

  • File /etc/named.conf:

# webservertestzone “webservertest” IN {type master;file “forward.webservertest.db”;allow-update { none; };};zone “reverse.webservertest” IN {type master;file “reverse.webservertest.db”;allow-update { none; };};

  • File/var/named/forward.webservertest.db:

$TTL 86400@ IN SOA webservertest. root.webserver.local. (2011071001 ;Serial3600 ;Refresh1800 ;Retry604800 ;Expire86400 ;Minimum TTL)@ IN NS webservertest.@ IN NS webserevertest.@ IN A IN A IN A IN A

As we can see the same name services points to two diferrent IP´s.

  • File /var/named/reverse.webservertest.db:

$TTL 86400@ IN SOA webservertest. root.webservertest. (2011071001 ;Serial3600 ;Refresh1800 ;Retry604800 ;Expire86400 ;Minimum TTL)@ IN NS webservertest.webservertest IN A IN A IN PTR webservertest.102 IN PTR webservertest.