Thursday, June 25, 2020

Replacing a Boot Mirrored Disk in HP-UX 11.31 (11i v3)

Initialize boot information on the replacement disk.

Save the hardware paths to the disk.
MyHPUX01:(/root/home/root)(root)#ioscan -m lun /dev/disk/disk7
Class     I  Lun H/W Path  Driver  S/W State   H/W Type     Health  Description
disk      7  64000/0xfa00/0x1   esdisk  CLAIMED     DEVICE       online  HP      DG146BB976 
                      /dev/disk/disk7      /dev/disk/disk7_p3   /dev/rdisk/disk7_p2
                      /dev/disk/disk7_p1   /dev/rdisk/disk7     /dev/rdisk/disk7_p3
                      /dev/disk/disk7_p2   /dev/rdisk/disk7_p1

In My case, the disk to be replaced is at lunpath hardware path
LUN hardware path is 64000/0xfa00/0x1
lunpath hardware path is 0/4/1/0.0x5000c5000c7bc53d.0x0

disk is hot-swappable

Halt LVM access to the disk.

#pvchange -a N /dev/disk/disk7_p2

Determine the new LUN instance number for the replacement disk.
# ioscan -m lun

- Create a partition description file:
# vi /tmp/partitionfile
HPUX 100%

idisk -wf /tmp/partitionfile /dev/rdisk/disk-newdisk-

           -w   Enable write mode.  By default, idisk operates in read-only
                mode.  To create and write partition information to the disk
                you must specify the -w option.

- Create the new device files for the new partitions (disk28_p1,_p2_p3)
# insf -e Cdisk

#you should see the numbre of partition
# ioscan -m lun

Now assign the old instance number to the replacement disk.
# io_redirect_dsf -d /dev/disk/disk-old- -n /dev/disk/disk-new-

# ioscan -m lun /dev/disk/disk-new-

The LUN representation of the old disk with LUN hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x0 was
removed. The LUN representation of the new disk with LUN hardware path
64000/0xfa00/0x1c was reassigned from LUN instance disk-new- to LUN instance 14 and its device
special files were renamed as /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14.

#Use efi_fsinit(1M) to initialize the FAT filesystem on the EFI partition:

efi_fsinit -d /dev/rdisk/disk7_p1**

efi_fsinit -d /dev/rdisk/disk7_p3

mkboot -e -l /dev/rdisk/disk7
efi_ls -d /dev/rdisk/disk7_p1

(to check EFI)
lifls -l /dev/rdisk/disk7_p2

(to check LIF)
- Check the content of AUTO file on EFI partition:

# efi_cp -d /dev/rdisk/disk7_p1 -u /EFI/HPUX/AUTO /tmp/x
# cat /tmp/x
boot vmunix
NOTE: Specify the -lq option if prefer that your system boots up without
interruption in case of a disk failure:
on the original boot disk:
# mkboot -a "boot vmunix -lq" /dev/rdisk/disk7

Restore LVM configuration information to the new disk.

For example:

# vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg00 /dev/rdisk/disk7_p2

10. Restore LVM access to the disk.
If you did not reboot the system in Step 2, reattach the disk as follows:

# vgchange -a y /dev/vg00
# vgdisplay -v vg00
# vgdisplay -v vg00

Syncronize volume group data (only if sync does not start automatically):

# cd /tmp
# nohup vgsync /dev/vg00 &
(output see /tmp/nohup.out)

11. Initialize/check boot information on the disk.
- Check if content of LABEL file (i.e. root, boot, swap and dump device definition) has been
initialized (done by lvextend) on the mirror disk:

# lvlnboot -v